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Women. Ladies Of Different Age And Ethnicity Smiling To Camera Sitting Together On Floor I

Transformational Women's Group

***Newsflash - I am very excited to say that the wonderful Sasha Marshall will be co-facilitating the next course! Please look out for new autumn course dates and find more info about Sasha here***


I am a qualified life coach, business coach and singer, whose passion is to support people to get back to their true essence. I believe we are here to learn lessons, but due to our conditioning from birth, we have gone wildly off track. We believe we are our personal identity and that the stories we tell ourselves (or others tell us) are who we are, but I see that is simply not true.


I aim to help unravel the unconscious bullshit we have had put on us and we have put on ourselves, to enable us to locate our core selves and do what we came here to do. I have chosen to stop looking outside myself for all the answers and to tap into the deep knowing that, in connection to Mother Earth, I can heal myself. I feel the time is now, to drop all the stories and live in a more heart open way for ourselves and for humanity. I am so honoured you feel to join me on this amazing adventure.

This group is for women who have reached the point where they feel they would like to stop the mind chatter and step-up to the next level. Women who are on a spiritual journey and want to raise their vibration, so they can live the life they know they are here to live. I believe that all personal heart healing work (or magic as I like to call it), expands outwards and is hugely transformational not only for us, but for many others. I am now choosing to see everything as a gift, to enable the internal transition to oneness. 


We have absolutely no idea how powerful we are and I have created this group to help facilitate the process of putting our ego gently to one side and getting back to our innate selves. In 4 x 2 hour sessions, over 4 weeks, I will share lots of different tools and techniques to enable you to tap into your true nature. A journal is provided if you choose to use it and unlimited email communication is included, to support your individual process.


I have not reinvented the wheel here, but have borrowed what I see as the core essence of different life changing teachings from great spiritual masters and made it easily accessible. I have found these to be profound tools in my life, that I trust will bring you back home. 


We will create a sacred space together. I have chosen a closed group so everyone feels comfortable to share and feels supported by like-minded people on this transformational journey together. Please only join if you can fully commit to all 4 sessions, so everyone gains the most they possibly can out of this connective experience.


My background comes from deep trauma and more recently health issues, which has let me to an ongoing journey of discovery back to myself. I have practiced Psychology of Vision, Steps to Leadership and Course of Miracles, Nitchiren Daishonin Buddhism and Short Moments training. I have also read many books, such as Eckhart Tolle, Michael A Singer, Dr Joe Dispenza,  Lee Harris, Dolores Cannon, Sarah Breskman Cosme, Ann Brennan, Wayne W Dyer, Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Dr Helen Schucman, Paulo Coelho, Elizabeth Gilbert, Sadhguru, Dan Millman, Shakti Gawain, James Redfield, Caroline Moss and Don Miguel Ruiz. 


Each session will consist of:

  • Intro and check-in

  • Healing well-being techniques in grounding, breathing, gratitude and using the senses

  • Transformative group consciousness coaching

  • Powerful meditations

  • Empowering tools for the mind. 


Investment is £111 for the full course, which is payable in advance, but please be in touch with me directly to work out a payment plan option if need be. 

Body Doubling

Are you tired of constantly procrastinating, avoiding tasks that need to be done and feeling like it's all too much to do on your own?


Most of my life I have had a belief that it is up to me to do everything for myself and have always been really hard on myself when I find something difficult. After being diagnosed with Autism and more recently ADHD, the difficulties (and meltdowns) started to make sense and so I started asking for help.


Fast forward about a year, I cannot tell you how much Body Doubling support has helped me. There is something so powerful about being with someone you feel comfortable with, being witnessed in a safe space and being accountable for your actions. Hence why I decided to add this empowering service to my repertoire :)


This brilliant concept, brought to you by the ADHD community, involves having a professional by your side to help you stay on track, focussed and productive.


But wait, it gets even better! I am not just there to watch you work - I am also equipped to use my life coaching skills to offer guidance, motivation and even lend a helping hand when needed. It's like having your own personal cheerleader and taskmaster rolled into one!


Picture this: while you're struggling to sort out a cupboard, do overdue admin tasks or make that appointment with the doctor, I am there to help make tasks more enjoyable. Or maybe you need a little push to go for that walk you've been putting off - I will lace up my trainers and hit the pavement with you.


Whether you need help problem-solving, tackling a dreaded task, or simply some company to keep you on track, Body Doubling is the best ever solution. 


Don't let procrastination and avoidance hold you back any longer. With Body Doubling, you'll have the support you need to conquer any task, big or small. So why wait? Hire me today and say goodbye to excuses and hello to productivity!


I cover Brighton & Hove, Kemptown, Ovingdean, Saltdean and Peacehaven. Investment is £22 per hour (plus travel) and I very much look forward to fully supporting you in whichever ways you feel are most helpful.

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