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Orange Blossom

Welcome and overview


  • A warm welcome to Love, Life, Live. We thank you for taking your precious time to visit or web page and find out more about our magical retreat days.


  • Love, Life, Live was birthed from a chance encounter between old friends, which reignited their friendship and blossomed into this life changing service we are now so pleased to be able to offer.

  • Love, Life, Live is about human being, not human doing.


  • Our retreat days gift you the rare opportunity to be in nature with like minded people, to give yourself the time to deeply rest and completely be yourself. As the saying goes, if we can't look after ourselves, then we can't look after others.

Meet the team


Outline of the day

  • 9.30am - Coffee/tea meet and greet

  • 10am - Ceremonial opening 

  • 10.30am - Introductions and setting intentions for the day

  • 11am - Overview of day/guided meditation

  • 11.30am - Overview of channelling

  • 11.35am - Each participant ask one channelling question to be answered by spirit

  • 12pm - Focus wheel 

  • 1pm - LUNCH

  • 2pm - Light stretching with Benna OR mindful walk with Sasha

  • 2.30pm - Breathwork/Qi Gong? (Met a guy called Tim who does this and think would fit)

  • 3pm - Coffee/tea and cake

  • 3.15pm - Ecstatic dance

  • 4.15pm - Journalling/feedback/shares

  • 4.45pm - Gratitude meditation

  • 5pm - Ceremonial close

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